Cyberstar Czochralski puller furnaces, offered by ECM Greentech, come in a variety of sizes, heating power elements and current with the capability of producing up to 100 kg single crystals under controlled partial pressure of oxygen and/or inert gas. The heating technology can be inductive or resistive depending on the process requirements and can reach a working temperature up to 2300°C, with a crucible diameter up to 400 mm. All machines are equipped with the precise and stable Cyberstar pulling head having a conversion rate of 0.01 to 100 mm/h translation speed. Due to the use of an intuitive and user friendly Cyberstar pulling software, full monitoring and control of the growth is made possible. A predefinition of the crystal geometry through the dedicated software window enables a fully automatic growthe of the crystal after the dipping of the seed. A full range of design are available for the Czochralski puller which makes it and solution for laboratory use in universities and R&D centers, and also can meet the requirements of industrial production.

– Oxypuller 20-04 industrial puller. Capability of producing single crystals up to 20 kg (chamber topology : vertical axis, front door opening)

– Oxypuller 05-03 research and development puller. Capability of producing single crystals up to 5 kg (chamber topology : horizontal axis, front door opening).

– Mini Oxypuller: Capability of producing single crystals up to 300 g (chamber topology: horizontal axis, front door opening).

– Oxypuller 20-04: Capability of producing single crystals up to 100 mm diameter (chamber topology: vertical axis, front door opening).

– Oxypuller 30-06: Capability of producing single crystals up to 150 mm diameter (chamber topology: vertical axis, opening along an equatorial plane).

– Oxypuller 30-08: Capability of producing single crystals up to 200 mm diameter (chamber topology: vertical axis, opening along an equatorial plane).

– Oxypuller 30-10: Capability of producing single crystals up to 250 mm diameter (chamber topology: vertical axis, opening along an equatorial plane).

Discover all our crystal growth furnaces

Technical Sheet

Effective dimensions Crystal size up to 6”
Features Cyberstrar precise pulling head
Graphite heater or induction
Equipped with quartz (or sapphire) window view ports
Chamber capabilities for primary and secondary vacuum
Various crystal size up to 60kg in the automatic mode
Various chamber topologies (vertical axis, front door opening)
Operating security loop system
Fully computerized heating process
Water cooled (working temperature in the reactor up to 2600 °C)
Options Automatic diameter control using Cyberstar pulling software
Possibility to operate under high pressure
Weighing device up to 60 kg
Added crucible translation ( manual or automatic)
Precise pressure regulation system
Controlled mass flow of diffrent atmosphere gases
ASME Standard
Integration Possibility of Automation and software controled growth process
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Application Crystal growth

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Czochralski single crystal puller